
Primary classes consist of students ranging from P-6. All students with complex communication needs are explicitly taught to use Alternative Augmentative Communication Devices to communicate. Students learn different purposes for communicating, including requesting, refusing, commenting, giving instructions or sharing opinions. A Balanced Approach to Literacy is implemented to provide students with meaningful opportunities to communicate in the context of Shared Reading, Shared Writing, Independent Reading and Independent Writing. Explicit teaching of letters and sounds is taught through targeted and incidental learning opportunities.

The Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability strands are integrated into all the curriculum areas. Numeracy concepts are taught using concrete examples moving through to the abstract. They are purposeful and individual students’ needs are taken into account in terms of the delivery of the programs and the need for the concepts in later life.

To cater for students with varying degrees of learning difficulites and/or disabilities, outcomes and assessments chosen by teaching staff are tailored to the students’ individual needs. Due to the variance between students abilities those outcomes and assessments are not just limited to one program but derived from several sources such as the Balanced Literacy, First Steps Continuum, Special Education Needs Assessment Tool (SENAT), Abilities Based Learning Education (ABLEWA), Early Years Learning Framework and the Western Australian Curriculum.

Each class runs Protective Behaviours Programs, which include Safe4Kids and Protective Behaviours WA. These programs are child-focused and informed by a fundamental belief that children have a right to physical and psychological safety at all times. We believe in providing the students with clear messages regarding inappropriate behaviour. We teach the students how to identify safe and unsafe situations and how to seek help immediately - and to persist in seeking help until they feel safe again.

180 Fisher Street
Cloverdale WA 6105

Phone: 08 9438 7850